Terra Petrophysics Presentations
Associated presentations that document petrophysical data that was used to characterise the mineral system and help understand the geophysical response.
Advances in Petrophysics – Remanence in Mineral Systems – Geotechnical Applications
Reducing Exploration Risk with Geophysics – The Art of Targeting
AEGC2018 Conference in Sydney: Petrophysics and Exploration Targeting: The Value Proposition
Petrophysics and Exploration Targeting: The Value Proposition
Petrophysics and Exploration Targeting: Best Practice and Applications
The Geophysical Response of the Tusker Gold Deposit Lake Victoria Goldfields Tanzania
Recent Advances in the Application of Geophysics for Gold Exploration in the North-Central Great Basin
The Contribution of Magnetite to the Chargeability Response of the Centenary Orebody
The Geophysical Charactersistics of the Trilogy Massive Sulphide Deposit Ravensthorpe WA